Rndl Amp Suite Presets

Rndl Lynch Based on the famous Randall Amp | ToneLib GFXRndl T2 Based on the famous Randall Amp | ToneLib GFXRndl Warchief Based on the famous Randall Amp | ToneLib GFX

We’ve prepared some new presets to give you the opportunity to try out all the power of the new amps from the Rndl Amp Suite right away. By harnessing all the strong points of the new amplifiers, they can best introduce you to a new sound and provide a launching pad for creating your own original guitar tone. Here you will find a list of presets based on one of the three new amplifiers. To install a new preset, download it from one of the links below, then drag-and-drop it into your TL GFX preset list.

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